Investment programme

Hungary's Guest Investor Program offers a streamlined pathway for third-country nationals to obtain a residence permit by making significant investments that align with national economic interests. The program encompasses three primary investment avenues: acquisition of investment fund shares, ownership of residential property, and provision of financial donations.

Acquisition of an Investment Fund Share

Investors can obtain a residence permit by purchasing investment fund shares worth at least EUR 250,000. These shares must be issued by a real estate fund registered with the Hungarian National Bank. The investor is required to hold the investment for a minimum of five years. Additionally, the real estate fund manager must be listed in the register of qualified market operators under Act XXX of 2016 on Procurement for Defence and Security Purposes.

Acquiring Ownership Interest Over a Property

Option temporarily unavailable

From January 1, 2025, investors have the option to acquire a residence permit by purchasing residential property in Hungary valued at a minimum of EUR 500,000. The property must be located within Hungary's geographical territory, registered in the Land Registry under its parcel identification or topographical LOT number, and be free from all liens, claims, and encumbrances. The investor is obligated to maintain ownership of the property for at least five years.

Provision of a Financial Donation

Alternatively, investors may choose to make a financial donation of at least EUR 1,000,000 to support educational, scientific research, or artistic creation activities. This donation must be directed to a higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission.

The application requires proof of sufficient financial means to cover the chosen investment. Upon entry into Hungary, investors have up to 93 days to realize the committed investment and must certify its completion via the Enter Hungary platform before applying for the residence permit. The residence permit, once granted, is valid for ten years and can be extended for an additional ten years, provided the investment is maintained. Holders of the residence permit for guest investors are entitled to reside in Hungary and can engage in employment without restrictions. Family members, including spouses and underage children, are also eligible for residence permits under family reunification provisions. Additionally, residents enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area for short stays.